
Art in Lisbon

Lisbon street art


While wandering around in the streets of Lisbon you often see some form of street art.
There is a lot of graffiti everywhere; some real art, some just people that are sadly spraying their name or something like that everywhere.



At different places you can find those nice graffiti artworks. It is like walking in a free museum, with no signs next to it, which explain the artwork. You have to use your own imagination.

Art in Lisbon
Street art Lisbon
Street art Lisbon

I love street art and have seen some amazing pieces, like the pictures above. But let it be real art, if you have some graffiti at home and you be able to spray that somewhere is not directly art. Keep practising. Let’s not spray the whole world full with this shit let’s keep it for the designated places.


LX Factory

Not street art itself, it is a great area with all kind of shops and restaurants. And they have a lot of art. Inside, outside, everywhere. This is a place for everyone who likes freedom, great art and good coffee. A perfect place to spend your free afternoon to meet friends.

LX factory
LX factory
LX factory

Bordalo II

There is one artist where I am a big fan of, Bordalo II, especially his series called ‘Trash Animals’. He is from Lisbon but has work all over Portugal. I have seen a lot of his work online but unfortunately not all of it in real life. Would love to do a round tour to visit them all.
I had the luck to see three of his artworks; one in Lisbon near the riverside, one in LX Factory and one in Porto on the other side of the river.

The one in Porto; I was walking and by change saw it around the corner of a street. Got a big smile on my face and stopped my plans to first mesmerize this artwork first.


Quote from the artist; “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure”
On his website you can read about his art (sadly the website is not in the air at the moment); ’Trash Animals is a series of artworks that aims to draw attention to a current problem that is likely to be forgotten, become trivial or a necessary evil. The problem involves waste production, materials that are not reused, pollution and its effect on the planet.’

Fox, Bordalo II
Bee, Bordalo II
Rabbit, Bordalo II


Also this is street art.
First picture; Decoration to make this alley less an empty boring area.
Second picture; this man builds sculptures, mostly animals, with stones.
Third picture; here we can discuss if it’s art but I found this fork and knife like this next to a public area.

Wall painting
Stone art

So walk around and be amazed by what you see.