Staying at home

Week 13/2020


Back in the Netherlands for a week now. It still has to sink in all, those new ‘corona’ rules. I sport every day now to keep my body fit since you are not allowed to go anywhere unless it is really necessary. This new thing ‘staying at home’ is mentally and physically not really healthy for me (and I think it is not healthy for most people), so I try to make most out of it by keeping myself busy so that I don’t go completely crazy.

The good thing is I often made excuses why I didn’t have time to do some extra stuff for Brightful World. Well, now I don’t have any reason anymore to not work on it. So last week I went all for it and this is the spirit I want to keep up. Most what I do is behind the screens and not visible for you, but they are also important. And I am working on new blogs and will tell you all about the last travel trip I made soon!

So the new me: staying at home, working through my jetlag, sporting every day again and going all for Brightful World. The last two things I hope I keep up with after this crazy quarantine period is over.

Speaking about jetlag, it was here again. Tired early in the evening and awake at 5 am, well not so strange since Bali is 7 hours later, so 8 pm here is 3 am there… I often have these jetlag symptoms for a few days, and slowly my energy gets back, and I get in the rhythm again. But this time also the weather difference came hard. My face got really dry and tense, and I felt so cold all the time, but with a difference of more than 20 degrees Celsius, I am not surprised.

Well, I hope you all see something positive in this time of staying at home and maybe you have some new habits, like me, that you want to keep up with!