A similar week

Week 28/2020


Not much changed comparing with last week, still raining, working fulltime and painting.

But the house did change. The painting is almost finished. Hopefully, we can finish the last parts today. We will also start placing the floor. It will be laminate flooring, brown, black coloured.

And I already ordered my new fridge, so the longing for my fridge is almost over. Next Saturday they will deliver it together with some furniture for my new house. I also ordered a bed, which I was longing for while travelling, my own bed.

I’m so excited for all that new stuff. Ordering is pretty fun like I enjoyed looking for it online and got excited about ordering it, and I will be excited again when they deliver it. So double the excitement. You usually are delighted when you see it, and you buy it instantly, so it is nice but not this double fun moment, haha.

I am planning on moving next weekend. So during the week, when I am working, my dad will finish the floor and then Saturday we bring my stuff and the ordered stuff will be delivered. And next Sunday, hopefully, I have time to unpack and make it my home.

The good thing is I don’t have that much, only a few boxes: so not much stuff to move and not many things to unpack. But I am looking forward to finally unpack those boxes after being stored for a few years.

Sometimes it is these simple things, like unpacking boxes, which makes me happy.