Next chapter

Week 39/2020


One week left and then a new chapter begins.


When I got my current job, I knew it was temporary, it’s like seasonal work. So it was supposed to end in week 34, but because they were pleased with me and there was still some work left, they asked me to stay until week 40, which is next week.
So one week left there and then new things will start.

Speaking about new things, last week I had a job interview, and they hired me!

But it doesn’t start until week 44, so that means I have got three weeks to do whatever I want. Love it; after working full time for a few months in a row and moving to my new apartment in that same period, I can use some free time now.

The new job is parttime, which I asked for because I want to have more time for myself, my friends, fun things, and for Brightful World.
So I hopefully will have time and new experiences to write something more fun here than I did last weeks, haha.


I am very excited about this new chapter, and hopefully, it will be a good one!