Healthy, delicious and easy – 5x Breakfast
Healthy, delicious and easy breakfast! I can not claim all the credits for these recipes. Not that I want that, I just want to share some meals that make me happy. Some ideas are mine some are inspired by other recipes with my own touch to it.
If it comes to cooking I can’t say that I hate it but sometimes I just don’t feel like it. Takes up too much time, too much energy etc.
Healthy eating is easier for me if I know some quick meals that I love. If I don’t feel like cooking I make something like these easy recipes instead of running to a take-away-place and getting fast food.
Here I share my quick and healthy breakfast so nobody has an excuse anymore of not starting your day with a healthy and delicious breakfast every morning.
Vary with breakfast
Some people like having the same breakfast every morning, for years. Well, that’s not me. I like to vary. Cold days I like a warm breakfast, summer days I go for a smoothie.
Even when travelling, a lot of these meals are possible. Last few months when I lived in Portugal there was a hand-held blender in the hostel and I made myself a breakfast smoothie every day!
Breakfast smoothie
Optional you can add:
Place the oats in a small bowl and place hot water over them till all the oats are covered. Clean all the fruit and place it in the blender, add the yoghurt (and the seeds). Last you pour the soaked oats over it. Close the blender and mix everything together.
There is your delicious breakfast smoothie with a lot of vitamins and fibers.