
5x healthy, delicious and easy dinner

Healthy, delicious and easy – 5x Dinner


Also craving to some delicious dinners? That is easy to make after your busy workday? Read along!
Healthy, delicious and easy dinner to end your day with some vitamins.

I love food but it gives me an extra good feeling if it is besides delicious also healthy. But I am also not the kind of person that stands in the kitchen for hours to prepare dinner. So that is why I always have some easy recipes in my mind if I don’t know what to eat one of those will always succeed. Some are a healthy variant of my bad cravings, like the tortilla pizza.



Stir-fry vegetables with gorgonzola

  • Courgette
  • Broccoli
  • Bell pepper
  • Mushrooms
  • Spring onion
  • Gorgonzola

    Optional you can add:

  • Everything you like

    I love stir-fry vegetables because you can make it with almost every vegetable so it is really good to eat your leftover vegetables.

    Cut all your vegetables in pieces. Heat some oil in a frying pan or wok. Place the vegetables in the pan en stir till they are all done. Cut the gorgonzola in pieces and add it to your vegetables let it melt a bit before you turn off the heat.


    Stir-fry vegetables
    Stir-fry vegetables

    Spinach and more

  • Fresh spinach (250/300 gr)
  • Mushrooms (not the one with special effects, although it can be fun. The taste is less though)
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Gorgonzola cheese
  • Pine nuts
  • Vegetable stock

    Optional you can add:

  • Fresh garlic
  • Onion

    Roast the pine nuts in a frying pan. If they are golden brown, place them on a plate. In the meantime cut the mushrooms and slice the cherry tomatoes in halfs.

    Fry the onion; if they start to get ready add the garlic and the mushrooms. If they are almost ready, start adding the spinach. Place it on top and place a lid on the pan. It takes a few minutes before the spinach is ready, stir in between. If not all the spinach fitted the first time keep adding more. You will get space because the other spinach shrinks already.

    If all the spinach is almost finished get the lid off, add the vegetable stock for some flavour and stir. Try to boil all the moisture out, a lot of moisture comes out of the spinach. Then add the cherry tomatoes. Next add the gorgonzola, keep heating it until the cheese is almost melted completely.
    If the dish is finished place it in a big bowl if you have, or on a plate, it will only run a bit because there is still moisture left. Sprinkle the pine nuts on top.


    *You need way more spinach then you see on the picture, if you heat it, it shrinks a lot!

    Don’t throw out the moisture, it contains a lot of vitamins, flavour and melted cheese.

    Spinach recipe
    Spinach recipe

    Pasta salad

  • 1 hand of spinach
  • Some salad leaves
  • Small hand of arugula
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • A bit of pasta
  • Red onion
  • Some basil leaves
  • Feta
  • Olive oil

    Optional you can add:

  • Pine nuts

    The amounts depends a bit on what you like and how hungry you are.
    Wholemeal pasta is better today I fancied this kind, so no wholemeal this time.
    With the greens, I like to vary and mix. Different types have different good benefits for you, like different vitamins. And of course a different flavour.

    Boil the pasta according to the package. After the pasta is finished I like to add a little bit of butter, stir this trough the pasta while it melts. Let the pasta cool down.

    Cut the feta, tomatoes and onion in pieces.
    Place the pasta in a bowl or on a plate. Add the different types of leaves, the tomato, onion and feta. Sprinkle the basil leaves in pieces over the salad and pour a little bit of olive oil over the salad.

    Enjoy your healthy salad, a bit of protein and a lot of vitamins.


    Pasta salad ingredients
    Pasta salad

    Vegetables out of the oven

  • Tomato
  • Spring onion
  • Chestnut mushroom
  • Garlic
  • Kalamata olives
  • Potatoes
  • Greek feta cheese
  • Herbs de Provence
  • Rosemary
  • Salt
  • Olive oil

    Wash the dirt of the potatoes and cut them in pieces, I cut every potato in 4 pieces. (Leave the skin on them).
    Cook until al dente, drain the water and sprinkle some rosemary and salt on them.

    Preheat the oven at 200 degrees Celsius. In the meantime cut the tomato and mushrooms. Mix some olive oil with the Herbs de Provence and mix through the tomatoes. Grease an oven dish. Place the potatoes at the bottom of the dish. Some of the tomatoes on top. Cut the garlic into small pieces and spread over it.

    Place the feta in the middle and surround with the mushrooms, spring onion, leftover tomato and the olives.
    Place a lid or some aluminium foil on the oven dish and place it in the preheated oven for 30 minutes. Get the lid off and bake for another 15 minutes until the feta is golden brown.


    The amount of ingredients you see in the picture I used for three people.


    *This dish is easy to vary with, different kind of vegetables and different cheese! Or for example try some leek instead of spring onion and very with the kind of mushrooms.

    Oven vegetables
    Oven vegetables

    Before baking

    Oven vegetables

    After baking

    Tortilla pizza

  • 1 tortilla
  • 2 tbs of tomato passata
  • Grated cheese
  • A couple of mushrooms
  • Some cherry tomatoes
  • Blue cheese
  • Arugula
  • A few fresh basil leaves

    Optional you can add:

  • Fresh garlic
  • Red onion
  • Black olives
  • Fresh spinach
  • Bell pepper
  • And way more!

    First of all this recipe is so easy to vary with. What do you like on your pizza? Well add that. But it depends what you add how healthy it is, only cheese is less healthy than lots of vegetables!


    Pre-heat the oven on 180 degrees Celcius. Cut the ingredients. Place a tortilla on a baking tray and spread the tomato passata over it. Sprinkle some grated cheese over the sauce, then add the mushrooms, cherry tomatoes and blue cheese.

    Place the pizza in the oven for around 10-15 minutes.

    When out of the oven place the arugula over it and the fresh basil.

    Bon apetit!

    Tortilla pizza
    Tortilla pizza

    Enjoy your healthy, delicious and easy dinner.
    Do you also want some breakfast or lunch ideas? Read along here for breakfast or here for lunch…


    Thinking to eat completely sugar-free? Read my blog about it here.



    By the way if you noticed the pictures are not the best, but it is about the food and taste anyways so just enjoy!

    And again even this short disclaimer: I can not claim all the credits for these recipes. Not that I want that, I just want to share some meals that make me happy.
    Some ideas are mine, some are inspired by other recipes with my own touch to it.